Nope no need for a new you! Society's well-fed notion that you need to be a new person each New Year is a fad. Why on earth would you want to do that? Self-improve, by all means, but we are inherently good enough!
You may notice these bright sunny (sometimes snowy) January mornings bring a social media tsunami of guilt-tripping health messaging. You'd not be alone in feeling miserable about your non-instagrammable, non-aesthetic and, let's face it, typically banal lifestyle. But, life is not about appearances. You have many strengths and you can always continue to develop but be sure to set your goals on your own terms.
Guilt-tripping messaging is a type of health communication strategy that aims to change behaviour by inducing guilt if you don't make healthy choices. Examples include "every sugary drink is a step to a shorter life" or "if you don't exercise you're letting yourself down or your family" etc.
Some would argue that some people need hard truths in public health messaging but we ask if this is necessary in 2025? Research has shown that yes this type of message can work but only if it doesn't trigger resistance. Also, seemingly innocent language can make New Year even more challenging for some people particularly those with mental health challenges.
Guilting-tripping health messaging can be problematic as it;
can trigger feelings of shame
can increase anxiety
can induce feelings of inadequacy or powerlessness
can have an opposite effect leading to individuals shutting down completely
Let's instead focus on;
positive reinforcement like considering whether something is beneficial to our mood or energy levels
giving ourselves greater options and tools by educating ourselves about health & PCOS
allowing ourselves to grow and thrive in 2025!
So, consider limiting your consumption of negative media messages and maybe go buy the flowers!

Happy & healthy New Year everyone!
Maureen x